HTML and CSS The Odin Project Uncategorized

Newsweek Clone and Bootstrap 4

My latest assignment was to create an approximate clone of the Newsweek homepage using the Bootstrap 4 framework. It was a great experience learning the Bootstrap grid system, which is based on CSS Flexbox. Bootstrap also has a lot of elements built in, such as specialized buttons, navigation bars and more. I can see how frameworks such as Bootstrap make building responsive websites faster, easier and more efficient. Its built in elements also make it easier to have a consistent look when desired.

HTML and CSS The Odin Project

TheNextWeb Clone Project and the Pitfalls of CSS Background Images

I recently completed a clone of TheNextWeb, a news site that targets the web development industry. This project tested my ability to use media queries and CSS Grid. Media queries are a key component of responsive web design, which is just a fancy term to describe websites that look good on all devices (phones, tablets and computers.) So, when you visit either the original website, or my clone of it, you’ll see that the layout of the website changes as you resize your browser window. On smaller screens, the website displays largely in a single column, but as the screen gets wider, content is shown in multiple columns.

HTML and CSS The Odin Project

Cloning a NY Times Article

I just completed one of the first projects in the HTML/CSS portion of the curriculum at TheOdinPoject. This project involved cloning a New York Times article. The primary skills involved here included using the Web Developer Tools, as well as using CSS positioning tools such as flex and grid.