JavaScript The Odin Project

My ToDo List in JavaScript

todo-app-javascript glenn-cartens-peters

My most recent project of the JavaScript curriculum at theOdinProject, was to create an app to manage a ToDo list in Javascript. This project required a lot building HTML elements through JavaScript, and it also showcased my ability to organize my code into different modules in separate files. Another new concept introduced in this project was saving data via localStorage.

Storing Data for TodoList in JavaScript

At first, localStorage was a fairly foreign concept to me, and I was unsure of any distinction between it and cookies. As it turns out, there are some subtle yet significant differences between localStorage and cookies.

Cookies vs LocalStorage

Cookies, which predate localStorage, are stored as separate files on the end user’s computer. Additionally, the programmer must define cookies with specific criteria such as an expiration date. In contrast, localStorage has no expiration date, and it is managed within a browser’s cache.

Therefore, a user can clear out all of their cookie data and still have access to the data in localStorage. With that said, when the user clears out his/her cache localStorage would be lost.

Implementing LocalStorage

With an understanding of the general concept of localStorage, let’s discuss the nuts and bolts of implementing it in a project such as this one. Like many things in JavaScript, use of localStorage is not as straightforward as one might like – it requires that you convert your object data to a more simple format.

JSON.stringify to Convert Data

from JavaScript object to JSON

I utilized a method of converting the data to JSON for storage, and parsing it back into a JavaScript array of hashes to be processed by the application. Here’s an excerpt of my code that shows how I turned JavaScript objects into JSON:

function saveToLocalStorage() {
  localStorage.setItem('allProjects', JSON.stringify(allProjects));
  localStorage.setItem('allTasks', JSON.stringify(allTasks));
  localStorage.setItem('projectCounter', JSON.stringify(projectCounter));
  localStorage.setItem('taskCounter', JSON.stringify(taskCounter));

JSON.parse to Convert Data

from JSON to JavaScript object

And this is how I converted JSON back into JavaScript objects:

function initProjects() {
    var localAllProjects = localStorage.getItem('allProjects');
    var localAllTasks = localStorage.getItem('allTasks');
    var localProjectCounter = localStorage.getItem('projectCounter');
    var localTaskCounter = localStorage.getItem('taskCounter');
    if ((localAllProjects !== undefined) && (localAllProjects !== null)) {allProjects = JSON.parse(localAllProjects)};
    if ((localAllTasks !== undefined) && (localAllTasks !== null)) {allTasks = JSON.parse(localAllTasks)};
    if ((localProjectCounter !== undefined) && (localProjectCounter !== null)) {projectCounter = JSON.parse(localProjectCounter)};
    if ((localTaskCounter !== undefined) && (localTaskCounter !== null)) {taskCounter = JSON.parse(localTaskCounter)};

    if (allProjects.length == 0) {


My ToDo list in Javascript was a lot of hard work, but it was a rewarding learning experience. I really enjoyed using JavaScript to modify objects based on user input. It was great to use CSS to reflect the user changes in a visual manner.

For example, I used JavaScript to detect when the user clicks on the checkbox, and modified the “complete” property of the task. Then, I caused much of the page to regenerate and detect the completion status of the checkbox. The page would then determine whether to place a check in the checkbox.

Additionally, the JavaScript modified some of the HTML elements’ classes so that CSS in turn could apply a strike-through effect on the task title and description.


Here are some links to check out my project:

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