HTML and CSS The Odin Project

Cloning a NY Times Article

I just completed one of the first projects in the HTML/CSS portion of the curriculum at TheOdinPoject. This project involved cloning a New York Times article. The primary skills involved here included using the Web Developer Tools, as well as using CSS positioning tools such as flex and grid.

Ruby on Rails The Odin Project

How to Delete from a Join Table in Rails

While working on a project within theOdinProject’s curriculum, I found myself facing a challenge: How to create a link in my Rails app that would delete the record in the join table that establishes a relationship between two objects. In my specific project, “private-events,” I had several users, and several events, which were connected through a join table of invitations. My goal was to build a dynamic link to delete the record in the join table that connects the user with the event he was attending.